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Huxley ; Oil; Light and More_清爽保濕精油 30ml

Huxley ; Oil; Light and More_清爽保濕精油 30ml

全店,免運費:順豐速運 (訂單淨額滿 $450)

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Light and More清爽保濕精油(品牌signature有機仙人掌籽油,質地薄、超快吸收,可混合面霜或爽膚水自製保濕噴霧)

早晚塗抹面霜前取1-2滴塗抹於額頭,面部,下巴,並輕輕握住雙臉助於吸收. 與Huxley深層保濕面霜混合使用保濕效果更加顯著

Huxley所有產品以天然生長於撒哈拉沙漠嘅仙人掌籽油為主要成分, 並且通過Ecocert有機認證及低過敏性測試, 任何類型皮膚都可以安心使用。仙人掌籽油係護膚界嘅超級新星,有改善黑色素功效的維他命K含量極高(用上一星期已見到皮膚更清澈通透),抗氧化維他命E含量為橄欖油嘅400%及摩洛哥堅果油嘅150%,並且含65%亞麻酸/Omega 6,強效修復細胞及抗游離基同時不堵塞毛孔。

A lightweight facial oil that contains prickly pear seed oil with outstanding moisturizing ability. It absorbs into the skin quickly, protects it from various stressors, and fortifies the skin.

1. A Non-greasy lightweight oil that does not leave an oily appearance

2. A fast absorbing, light and dry oil for all skin types

3. Rich moisture for dry skin

Good for all skin types

Is oil only good for dry skin? No! 

Find the proper application of oil just right for each skin type, and protect your skin from various stressors and skin dryness.

Dry skin

Mix oil with each product in every step of the basic skin care routine. Repeated applications establish layered hydration and increased hydration.

Combination skin

In the T-zone area, after massaging oil into the skin to remove dead skin cells and sebum, wipe off it with a steamed towel.

When oil is applied to the U-zone area, it provides moisture and helps to regulate the moisture and oil levels in the skin.

Oily skin

Because oily skin has already plenty of oil on itself, use OIL ; LIGHT AND MORE, a lightweight oil.

It may seem counterproductive to apply oil to already oily skin, but skin actually produces oil in order to stay moisturized.

Thus, the application of oil can actually fool the skin into believing that it has enough oil on it and reduce the production of sebum.

Massaging oil into your skin will remove impurities that clog your pores. It can kill two birds with one stone!

Sensitive skin

Mix a drop of oil with CREAM ; MORE THAN MOIST. CREAM ; MORE THAN MOIST is a cream for sensitive and severe dry skin. It will create a great synergy, enhancing the moisturizing and antioxidant effects without irritation, when blended with oil.

Suggested Use

Every morning and night, before applying a cream, drop 1-2 drops of oil to the palms and spread it over the forehead, cheeks and chin. Gently press into the skin with your hands until absorbed.

*When a drop of oil is blended with CREAM; MORE THAN MOIST it creates a great synergy, enhancing the moisturizing effects.

Tips to maximize OIL ; LIGHT AND MORE

1. Use it before applying a lip balm to dry lips.

2. Use it as emergency treatment for brittle and dry hair. Use oil itself or mix it with hair essence.

3. When putting on makeup, mix the liquid foundation with a drop of oil to make skin moisturized and glow.

4. Use it as spot SOS treatment for the areas of the face that don't take makeup well. Press oil into the skin with hands.

5. Use it as a double-layer oil mist. Mix toner and oil in a 7:3 ratio and pour the mixture into a mist container.

Key Ingredients

1. SUNFLOWER SEED OIL Moisturizing

2. SQUALANE Forming a natural barrier, Moisturizing

3. JOJOBA SEED OIL Eliminating free radicals, Moisturizing

4. ABYSSINIAN SEED OIL Improving skin texture, Radiant skin

[Information source: huxley.ko.kr]


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